Custom Museum Exhibit Programs and Custom Touch Screen Games
CD Meyer has produced custom,
interactive programs for museums, science centers, and corporate customers. Our unique blend of creativity and technology has allowed us to create programs that are interesting to look at, fun to use, and dependable. Colorful graphics, dynamic animations, music, sound effects and video all come together to form an exciting educational experience. We have extensive experience with touch screen displays, specialty interfaces,
kiosks, and
multimedia hardware.
On Right: The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center produced this car kiosk for their Hurricane Preparedness exhibit. They hired CD Meyer to develop the custom programs for the exhibit.
Wayfinders and Facility Tours
Maps, photos, diagrams, and interactive panoramic photography are great ways to give your visitors an overview and even detailed information on your facility. Do you have a particularly interesting engineering example, an historic area, local folklore or anecdotes? An interactive facility tour can be a great way to share this valuable information.
Custom Touch Screen Games
Do you have an idea for a game for your exhibit? Do you have some specific educational information to convey? We can bring your idea to development and assist with the technological issues. Shown here is a custom game developed for Dinosaurs Unearthed. This game teaches players how to identify different kinds of dinosaurs. This custom touch screen game was one of several touch screen kiosk programs developed for Dinosaurs Unearthed.
Interactive Trail Guides and Maps
Show the lay of the land and give information to prospective hikers like mileage, terrain, points of interest, flora and fauna, etc. An interactive Trail Guide is a fun way to plan your excursion into the woods.
History and Trivia Touch Screen Programs
Share the history and interesting, fun facts about your location or historical subject matter with a Trivia Quiz or informational touch screen program. The sample to the right was developed for the National Archives. This custom touch screen program allows visitors to view documents signed by.famous historical figures such as Ulysses Grant, Bat Masterson, Lucile Bluford, and Walt Disney.