Wayfinding, Site Tours and Trail Guides
Where do I go? How do I get there? Sometimes a photocopied, black and white, paper map or an outdated wall graphic is not the best way to answer the questions your visitors have. An interactive wayfinder can offer detailed information in an easy-to-use way with interactive panoramic photos, seasonal photos, color map images, distance measurements, and points of interest. Visitors can "tour" your facility, see the areas and the scenery, and even see what they look like in a different season. The site tours can also be designed to offer seasonal information like "the osprey are hatching now, keep an eye out for moms feeding their young," or "this time of year our black bear are hibernating so you may not see them on this visit."
Visitors will enjoy finding information on their own and they won't need to interupt staff members as often. An interactive wayfinder is a great addition to a facility and can be combined with a few games for a broader appeal with your kiosk.